Here's a list of things I want to always remember to do, continue to do... as often as possible! Create your own list, too!
*Love. Love. Love. Love.
*Love and appreciate my body, even when it's changing or different than what I wish it were.
*Get outdoors, in nature, even for just 10 minutes.
*Continue to inspire myself while inspiring others.
*Pamper myself in some way: a bath, a massage from my hubby, paint my nails, mini facial
*Get exercise, get the blood flowing, sweat.
*Make love, with my partner or with myself!
*Have quiet time where I shut down from the world, for even 10 minutes. Meditation, or just a time when I put my phone on silent and take deep breaths and appreciate.
*Read something that brings me pleasure.
*Eat something that brings me pleasure.
*WRITE IN MY JOURNAL! OR DRAW! express myself.
*Be forgiving: with myself and others.
*Snuggle with my dog. Let him lick my face. Life's too short to care.
*Speak up for myself.
*Ride my bike.
*Be playful. Laugh. Giggle.
*YOGA. live it. LOVE IT. do it. on and off the mat!
*Eat beautiful, organic, natural foods. As many colors as possible!
*Take too many pictures.
*Keep learning and growing. Evolving is what life is about!
*remember it's OKAY to be WRONG.
*Share with EVERYBODY.
*Express gratitude, send thank you cards. Remember Birthdays.