Out with the Old, In with the New (Year)
I have exciting things in store this year for my wonderful Philosophie community, but let’s take some time to reflect on the magic of a new year, a new beginning, and a fresh start. As you may have read in my Instagram post, rituals have created a special hold on my soul over the past year. Honoring the natural cycles of the Earth, moon and my own self are even more poignant at the start of a new year. Set intentions. Set dreams. Set goals.
Philosophie Goddess, Sam Maracic shared her intentions for the year ahead and I couldn't agree more with each sentiment. So often we set heavy resolutions at the beginning of the year that are simply impossible to accomplish. Instead turn your attention to the idea of release. Get away from things, habits or people that are diminishing your true power then you can manifest into the person you want to become.

With the start of every new year comes an influx of resolutions and changes we hope to accomplish for the 365 days ahead. However, if you’re anything like me it’s not always easy to stick to something that feels overly rigid or extreme. In fact, doing so often leaves me feeling pressured by the things I want to call into my life and that can’t be a good sign.
So this year, I decided to change it up.
Rather than setting resolutions for what I want to do, create or achieve (though those intentions are important), this time around I’ve got a new plan of action. I am going to instead opt for some serious releasing.
Whether it’s habits, beliefs or relationships, we all have aspects of our lives that at some point stop serving us in a positive way. So I figure now is a good time to start bringing some of them to the surface. My hope is that in doing so I will make space for some amazing new energy in 2018.
I’m well aware of how much of a process this will be and that it may take years (or perhaps a lifetime) to fully shed the old skin I no longer wish to wear. However, we all have to start somewhere, right? So, here are a few of the things I am going to work on releasing this year. If you feel like this practice resonates with you, feel free to join in! It’d be awesome to hear what you plan to let go. Plus, when it comes to making change there’s always power in numbers!
Limiting beliefs
While the dark thoughts that permeate our minds are nothing more than stories and lies we tell ourselves, this doesn’t stop them from skewing how we see ourselves and the world around us. It can be incredibly painful and unnecessarily isolating when we let those types of notions take over. However, the more often they occur, the more likely it is that they become habit. As someone who is no stranger to struggling with limiting beliefs, I know how difficult it can be to ignore their presence. But it is my hope that little by little I can begin to rewrite those stories and eventually create new, healthier thought patterns.
How do I plan to do this? Mindfulness. I might not be able to control every negative thought or belief that comes into my mind, but I do have the power to notice when one arises. In doing this I can begin to take stock of how an idea is or isn’t serving me and choose (over and over again) not to follow the story it is telling.
The “Should Be’s”
Raise your hand if controlling things is your jam? (That’s right, me too.) Unfortunately, I have come to find that filling my mind with the way I believe things “should be” only leaves me feeling more stressed, uncomfortable and unhappy. Things are the way they are - sometimes good, sometimes bad, but ultimately, never perfect. And I have finally come to realize that’s OKAY. So this year I want to really start waving goodbye to those silly, little joy-sucking “should-be’s” that creep their way into my mind.
How do I plan to do this? Acceptance. In coming to the realization that I have limited control, I have finally opened myself up to the real work: practicing acceptance within uncomfortable moments. For me, worry feels much more comfortable and natural in the moment. But it’s like the saying goes, “Worry is like a rocking chair, it gives you something to do, but it gets you nowhere."
Being self-aware is important. It helps us to witness where we are thriving, as well as where we are struggling. However, there is a fine line between being aware and being judgmental. (A line I tend to straddle from time to time.) To be honest, I always thought that being my worst critic was what kept me at the top of my game. But after feeling those judgements over and over firsthand, I can promise they have produced the adverse effect. I haven't been outrunning failure or vulnerability, all I have been doing is causing shame. And in 2018, I’m totally ready to break-up with shame.
How do I plan to do this? Compassion. Sounds easy enough, but lightening up on yourself can be tough. Especially when it involves areas of your life where you’re struggling. Ultimately, having personal empathy is a process, but I’m finding more and more how essential it is to cultivating joy. And honestly, who wouldn’t want more of that?
An intention to release is a powerful goal for the year ahead and one I encourage all of you to try. Our Philosophie Magic Moon Satchels can be a great tool as you practice self care rituals on your journey in 2018.
I’m so excited for 2018. Thank you for taking this new adventure with me. All my love.
What do you plan to “throw away” in 2018? Share with me on Facebook using #PhilosophieLove or #MyPhilosophie