Manifesting Happiness
I think it’s no secret that I have been challenged and tested lately. During hardships, I go back to my roots and find my inner happiness. It isn’t always easy.
As a mom, it’s even more important to have tools readily available to find positivity and embrace it for my kiddos. If they see that I’m stressed or upset to the point that I let it completely take over then I’ll lose control of the entire situation. It’ll get 10x worse. No mama needs that.
Cultivating positivity is a practice like any other. But yes, sometimes it’s just hard to find the time. That’s why I always have emergency happiness tricks I turn to when I’m in a crisis and need to get control of the situation quick. Most importantly, I sit with my feeling and allow myself to fully enter the space my mind and body are in.
Here are a few of my favorite go-to’s to regain positivity and happiness.
Essential Oils: I turn to these babies in a pinch. A dab of lavender or eucalyptus on my wrists and a deep inhale and my mood will instantly switch.
Move Your Body: Sometimes I go for a run, pull out my yoga mat, head to the gym or heck, just dance around my living room with the boys. It removes tension and always cools down my initial intense feelings so I can focus on them in a calm space.
Palo Santo/Sage/Sweet Grass Cleansing: These are the easiest to turn to in a pinch. I always have a stick of Palo Santo around and if I feel very anxious I light it to clear my energy and focus on my breath.
Slow Down: As an entrepreneur and three(!) kids, I look for opportunities to slow down throughout the day. It’s easily done by taking advantage of opportunities when I can: a morning late, an evening walk with the kids, a slow yoga flow, reading in the morning, daily journaling, etc.
Nourishment: When I’m upset, stressed, angry, or anxious I love to whip up a Philosophie superfood smoothie filled with fruits that make my belly happy and by association, me! Filling your body with whole, nutritious and organic foods will get you instant positive energy.
Gratitude: I practice gratitude daily. Going through a list of all your thankful for and maybe even writing it down will give you some perspective on the current situation at hand.
Self Care Rituals: Self care is so crucial for internal well being and happiness. Take a Detox Bath Soak or go get a massage. For me, it starts in quiet, calm mornings when I take a few minutes to myself and care for my soul + body. Most mornings, I wake up and meditate/journal then devote at least 10 minutes to some much needed self care. I wash my face and use Chrysalis Water, an acid-balancing witch hazel loaded with natural fragrant oils, to wake my body up and help me feel refreshed.
Breath Work: If your stuck and can’t turn to any of the above then the biggest thing I turn to going back to my breath. Focus on your inhale and then your exhale. Take it slow and let each emotion settle inside you until you feel it deep in your gut then you can focus on expelling it away from you.
Love: Above all, practice love. Do everything from a place of love. Love what you eat, love the movements your body creates, and love those in your life. If you give the world love then you’ll be given it right back.
How to create positivity in your life? Share you tips + tricks with me on Facebook using #PhilosophieLove or #MyPhilosophie.