A Philosophie Guide to the Moon’s Phases

The moon follows a beautiful cyclical cycle; its waxing and waning affects everything from the ocean to our own sleep cycles. You may already begin to notice your energy affected during different phases of the moon. During a New Moon, you may feel softer while on a Full Moon you may experience a high flux of energy and cascading emotions. When you begin to align with the moon and her phases you begin to connect to your inner self, and harness all you need to manifest and expand to your highest self.
Our energy softens and heightens the same as the moon. We are not always supposed to be in a constant state of go and hustle. The moon encourages you to tap into your best version of self, embrace your uniqueness, and own your independence. How can you connect your dreams to your real physical life? How can you go with the flow more?
Make a cup of tea with a spoonful of Berry Bee Honey or Green Bee Honey and learn how to become aware of the cycles of the moon to take another small step on the path to wholeness and connection to our higher selves.
We love this recipe for relaxation and introspection: Moon Pearl Latte Recipe

NEW MOON // the dark moon
A New Moon is completely shadowed and invisible in the night sky. It marks the start of a new lunar cycle and therefore represents the birth of creation and intention. It’s a new beginning. Every New Moon is a chance to let go of anything from the past and reset. During a New Moon your energy is lower making it a beautiful time to turn inward. It’s full of loving yin energy that embraces the emotional self and helps you to soften. Use New Moon energy to put your intentions out into the universe and trust that they will manifest. Take time during the New Moon to cleanse your space, journal your intentions, meditate, and practice loving self-care rituals like a bath soak.
During the Waxing Moon, the moon is growing larger and enters three phases: Crescent Moon, First Quarter or Half Moon, and Gibbous Moon. These phases are full of energy all about taking action on your intentions and trusting the process that unfolds. It’s a time to set definable goals, research, ask questions and plan. Using this energy you can take your intentions and turn them into actionable items. This is a time to prepare for your future, listen to your needs and connect with others. You may notice problems that continue to show up and it’s a wonderful way to align with the energy of a Waxing Moon by working through them and take decisive action.

FULL MOON // illuminated moon
During a Full Moon, she is at her brightest and illuminated by the sun, unobstructed by the earth. Her energy is brightest and the most potent. We can either feel full of love, excitement and joy or anxious, vulnerable and sensitive. It’s okay to honor both. Because this energy is more intense during this phase than the rest we may have trouble falling asleep and can be hit with our inner shadows. We align with this energy by embracing it all and feeling into it. Go out and celebrate with loved ones, host or participate in a moon ceremony, dance, move your body or turn inward and meditate. Whatever you may need. A Full Moon is also a good time to charge your crystals and journal. With a Full Moon, your intentions are illuminated so you can carry them out more clearly.
During the Waning Moon, the moon is getting smaller, on her way to begin her cycle over again. She enters three phases: Disseminating Moon, Third Quarter or Half Moon and Balsamic Moon. These phases allow you to asses the progress you’ve made and clear out any clutter stopping you from achieving your manifestations. The energy present allows you to face what you are called to release and let it go from your life in order to make room for abundance. Take some time during these moon phases to physically and energetically cleanse the space around you (I love using Chrysalis Water). Use the energy present to reflect on areas of your life that could use a little more love and nurturing and transition in the growth and expansion of these areas. Let go of what no longer holds you to a higher path and surrender to all that comes - ready to begin again.

What new projects or positive changes are you going to embark upon with the moon? Share them with us on Facebook and tag @philosophielove!