Creating Healthy Relationships with Food

Creating Healthy Relationships with Food

Most of us have had those days where our relationships with food are rocky.

It oftentimes starts off well; you set a goal or an intention to eat healthy (clean foods only today! no diary this week! no caramel fudge brownies for dessert!), and you think, “I’ve got this!”

But in the next moment, you’re giving into a craving, to that very thing you swore off, and suddenly you’re left with icing on your fingers and a growing cloud of guilt in your gut.

Maybe you throw your hands up in the air in defeat and go for the whole tray of brownies. Or maybe you push it away, but the joy of eating that single brownie is eaten away by the belief that you failed, that you let yourself down.

It’s an awful feeling, and it can be enough to throw off the rest of your day.  

I’m here to tell you though that it absolutely does NOT have to be this way. Unlike a relationship with another human being, YOU AND YOU ALONE have the power to make your relationship with food work (and not only work, but THRIVE!).

In celebration of a Valentine’s Week where we focus on all types of love (including SELF-LOVE!), check out my video on how to create a beautiful, healthy relationship with your food! 

What other wellness topics would you like Sophie to chat with you about? Share your ideas with us in the comments + be sure to subscribe to the Philosophie Youtube Channel

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Loved your post/video! That was very helpful to bridge the thought/intention with the action…and the aftermath! I find it fascinating to hear about people’s journey in health and welness. Videos also help me connect with the message, especially reinforces the written part of a blog or article…so thank you!


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