7 Rituals to Help Stay Healthy + Grounded During the Holidays
As we continue through the whirlwind holiday season packed with parties, all the decor, baking, cooking and gift shopping runs, it’s SO important to stay HEALTHY, grounded + calm so that you can savor the beauty of the holidays + celebrate what it’s really about—spending time with your tribe of family + friends.
To stay supported + connected to yourself and YOUR needs, incorporate these rituals throughout the season:
Start Your Day with a Superfood Smoothie
It can be difficult to maintain healthy eating habits during the holidays, especially when you don’t have as much time to make wholesome, homemade meals and will be attending festive gatherings with dishes that might not be the most nutrient-dense. To make sure your body is receiving all of the nourishment it needs to keep you free from sickness and GLOWING, make it a daily ritual to whip up an energizing smoothie filled with fruits + veggies, Philosophie superfoods, and coconut water or nut mylks.
Ground in the MAGIC of Crystals
Beyond their beauty, crystals can heal and restore balance by drawing out any negative energy and tension from you or your environment. Place your crystals under the Full Moon (December 22nd) to help them reset and absorb good vibes + energy. Then release your intentions by holding your crystals during meditation and carrying them throughout your day.
Focus on Your B R E A T H
Breath or prana is our life force, our energy, and our way of being. When we’re rushing around, we forgot about it entirely. Whenever you feel out of touch with your being and need to restore a sense of serenity, practice this relaxing breathwork: close your mouth, inhale through your nose and count to 4, hold your breath and count to 7, and then exhale through your mouth and count to 8. Repeat this breath cycle until you feel revitalized and calm.
Did you know about 60% of the human body is made up of water? Anything from light activity to stress can deplete your water source. Make sure to keep yourself vibrant + hydrated during the holiday season! I love adding Liquid I.V. to my waters throughout the day because they make it super simple to stay hydrated. By adding one packet to my water bottle, I am actually increasing my water intake 3x and adding delicious replenishing electrolytes without any of the sugars found in most hydrating drinks. Such a win.
Cultivate a Sacred Space at Home
Maintain a welcoming, soothing environment at home—contain all the gifts to a single corner or room in the house and ask your kiddos to be your little helpers in keeping the house tidy. Gather beautiful candles and keep the energy in your space uplifting and welcoming by cleansing the air whenever you can with Palo Santo and a spritz of Chrysalis Water (I spray this on myself when I need an instant uplift).
M O V E + S W E A T
Release stress + re-energize by staying active! Choose whatever sport or activity that you LOOK FORWARD to doing and then make time for it amidst the chaos. You don’t have to allocate an hour or two for each workout—keep it short + sweet if you like with 10 minutes yoga flows, a night walk around the block (perfect for scoping out all the pretty twinkly lights!), or at-home workouts!
Fill Your Journal with Gratitude
Collect your thoughts, focusing on ones of gratitude, in a small journal over the next few months. Even though we may know we have a lot to be grateful for, it makes a world of a difference to carve out a sacred time to acknowledge and appreciate the treasures + love we have. Jot down the items, people in your life, and special experiences that you’re grateful for + find joy in knowing that you are blessed with abundance.
What tools do you turn to for staying healthy + calm during the holidays? Share with me in the comments below!