Benefits of Green Vegetables

Benefits of Green Vegetables

The Goods On Greens 

Read up on the benefits, flavors and all the wonderful nutrients in all these green vegetables.

Veggie Flavor Nutrients

1. Arugula- intense and peppery; Vitamins A and C, iron

2. Broccoli rabe- bitter and robust; Vitamins A and C, calcium, iron

3. Collard Greens-mild and smoky; Vitamins A, C and K; folate; manganese

4. Kale-similar to collards but more intense and earthy; vitamins A, C and K; manganese

5. Mustard greens- pungent and peppery; vitamins A, C, and K; folate; manganese

6. Romaine lettuce- Crisp with a fresh, mild flavor; Vitamins A and C; folate; manganese

7. Spinach- mild and versatile; Vitamins A, B6, B12, C, and K; manganese; folate; magnesium, iron, calcium, potassium

8. Swiss Chard-bitter and slightly salty; vitamins A, C,E, and K; magnesium; manganese; potassium; iron

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