Heart of the Week: S.W. Basics + Skin Cleanse

Heart of the Week: S.W. Basics + Skin Cleanse

I'm completely and utterly in love. I just discovered S.W. Basics, an all-natural, organic, + fair-trade skincare line that keeps your skin C L E A N + G L O W I N G!

What's special about S.W. Basics is that you can literally count the number of ingredients on one hand, and they're all items that you'll recognizetea tree oil, raw apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, rosewater, and olive oil. Just like the Philosophie blends, the short ingredient lists means you'll reap more of the magical benefits.

If you're a product junkie, I also highly recommend checking out S.W. Basics Founder Adina Grigore's book, Skin Cleanse. She lays out how to simplify + purify your skincare routine and avoid all the questionable, toxic ingredients in many of the beauty and personal care products currently on the market. Plus, she includes some super yummy-for-your skin DIY recipes (I cannot wait to try the cocoa and sea salt Dessert Mask)



Have you tried S.W. Basics products yet? Tell us what you think of them on Facebook with #myphilosophie! 

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