3 Ways to Be More Intimate With Your Partner

3 Ways to Be More Intimate With Your Partner

While Valentine’s Day is still a couple weeks away, making an effort to deeply connect with your partner is always essential. It can definitely be easy to let your relationship (especially if you’re a busy bee and no longer in the honeymoon phase with your partner) slide down on your list of priorities, but taking the time to nurture it is a MUST when you both want to be a big part of each other’s lives.

Take my hubby, Adi, and I. We’ve been in a relationship for TWELVE years, have two kids, and  have been through actual hell and back. But for us to have made it where we are now took real work, energy, and commitment.

Just remember that anything is possible if you're ready to step into it fully. To start, here are three actionable steps that you can take right NOW to be more intimate with your special someone:

  1. Make time for your partner. Together, create a list of a handful of fun activities that you want to do–things that you probably loved when you two first started dating. You could dream up a day date of hiking + iced coffee or an evening watching an indie film with a couples’ Thai massage post-flick. The possibilities are unlimited! Whatever you choose to do, make sure to keep phones off (or on airplane mode) while together to allow space for true connection.
  1. Practice an intimacy exercise. Non-sexual, light touching is SO important. Hold hands for 5 minutes (as you feel more brave, move on to holding his or her arm). Embrace in a long, heartfelt hug. Or simply breathe together, inhaling and exhaling long beautiful breaths at the same time. Not jumping into sex (which can serve as a distraction) is the challenge, but you’ll feel so much more connected after practicing one of these exercises!
  1. Read The 5 Love Languages together side-by-side. Talk about this phenomenal book that explores how to express heartfelt commitment to your mate and do take the test that it offers. Everyone has needs and everyone has desires–the point here is figuring out what you both crave and need so that you can feel closer to each other.

Want to take it a step further? Adi + I will be leading a private couples’ Facebook group from February 1st to February 14th–meaning 2 full weeks of LOVE leading up to Valentine's Day. This group is perfect for anyone who wants to open up this year with a new, fresh chapter, wants to reconnect to their partner with a new energy, or feels they could use some inspiration, new ideas, and new ways to communicate + love their person.

Here's what's included:

  • Private access to a group with curated couples (we will interview each couple ahead of time)
  • 3 Facebook lives a week (6 total)
  • Daily access to Sophie + Adi with the ability to connect personally and dig deep into any and all issues
  • Tips, book recommendations, and daily homework/journal assignments

It’s only $350 per couple–if you’re interested, email me at sophie@thephilosophie.com so I can send you some questions and see if it's a good fit for you + your partner! We’re open to romantic relationships of ALL types!


What's YOUR favorite way to connect to your partner? I'd love to hear it! Share with me on Twitter with #MyPhilosophie!

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